My husband and I both like to hike a lot. Many Saturday mornings are spent hiking in various state parks and forests close to our home.
Last Saturday’s hike was in a place called Forty Acre Rock, a National Natural Landmark in the Piedmont region of South Carolina. The forty Acre Rock is a huge granite rock and reaching it involves hiking through thick woods, past a small waterfall and a cave. The big rock has indentations on its surface, which collect water in late winter and early spring. The pools thus formed are a haven for some rare specialized plant species, many of which are endangered.
Some pictures of the rare plant species:

The pool of water formed on the rock surface, with plants growing in it.

Diamorpha Smallii (Elf Orpine) a succulent plant from the family crassulaceae

The green plant with the tiny white flowers is called Amphianthus pusillus, which is listed as a threatened plant.
Found only in Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina, they are also called Snorklewort, Pool Sprite and Little Amphianthus.
It has a small life cycle, usually around a month.

Another picture of the Elf Orpine and Pool Sprite
These pools dry up in summer and the seeds spring up again the following year when water collects in the depressions.
USDA Plant Database