24 Mar 2007

Simple Pleasures

A cup of homemade yogurt!
I enjoy the sight of well-set yogurt; enjoy tilting the container to see how firm it is. Most of all, I derive great pleasure in eating at least two servings a day!


Anonymous said...

Love the bowl! You make a cup every day? Tell me you don't!

Anonymous said...

Ah, about 5 days a week,Manisha! We consume huge quantities of curds and
I feel happy when there are assorted bowls like this in the fridge.
The bowl is a muffin cup!

Ranjani said...

Lovely website ..I am a new blogger & was looking for blogs which are not just food related . Bookmarked your site:)

shilpa said...

Ranjani, thanks!
Hey! I'm a new blogger too and love the rainy season just like you!

Anonymous said...

We, too, consume a lot of yogurt. We are all lactose intolerant so this is the best way to get calcium from milk. I make half a gallon's worth at a time - no patience to do it on a daily basis!

shilpa said...

I set about five bowls at a time, Manisha.(four for after meals and one for taak). This is one kitchen activity I enjoy and don't mind doing everyday. Now, cooking everyday? whole 'nother story!

My husband is lactose intolerant too and you are right, best way to get calcium.

Did you notice, some basic html learning is happening?